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Asset Supply APAC/ Network Supply Planner, Manager

Ort Ōsaka, Ōsaka-fu, Japan Kita-ku, Präfektur Shiga, Japan Anzeigen-ID R-208804 Veröffentlichungsdatum 21/10/2024

【Job Description / Capsule】
Responsible for the tactical management of product supply chains. This includes major issue management, identifying major supply chain design opportunities, accommodating major changes in supply capability and being the local link on Global supply.
【Typical Accountabilities】
•    Develops insights and drive change through appropriate exploitation of information systems with the intent of optimising performance, reducing costs, minimising risks associated with commercial operations and driving decisions
•    Actively works with sites, central functions Global Supply Directors and Finance Directors to develop in depth understanding of the supply chain and develop accurate long-term forecasts
•    Analyses and review data rigorously, identify and resolve inconsistencies and assure the quality of the outputs in order to ensure the major insights and issues are agreed with key stakeholders
•    Understands where and which supply chain management techniques can add value and apply appropriately
•    Identifies products suitable for modelling and, in conjunction with Global Supply Directors and Finance Directors, perform initial scoping work to determine appropriate level and initial scenarios to then run and modify to support high-level global strategic decisions
•    Collaborates other key information management professionals to establish stock targets for appropriate stock locations, based upon working, safety & policy stock definitions
•    Collaborates with other Supply Chain Planning Partners and other key Information Management professionals to develop best practice, ensuring consistency where appropriate

◆経験 Experience

【必須 Mandatory】

• Will have expert knowledge of supply chain management techniques

【歓迎 Nice to have】

• Will also have some experience of leading and managing projects and will be required to provide specialist input to larger business projects.Also has the ability to re-engineer processes

◆資格 License

【必須 Mandatory】

• Requires a degree level education (or equivalent) in a relevant discipline

◆語学 Languages

【必須 Mandatory】


 英語: fluent

10000538 E SUSC

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