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Business Excellence Partner

Ort Mailand, Lombardei, Italien Anzeigen-ID R-221876 Veröffentlichungsdatum 12/03/2025

The Business Excellence Partner is responsible for enhancing business performance by focusing on Sales Force Effectiveness (SFE) and generating actionable insights. This role involves collaborating with various teams to optimize the Go To Market Model and deliver strategic insights to support decision-making.

• Define GTM model: identification and quantification of the relevant target and channels to reach customers
• Support the definition of HCPs profiling, segmentation, and targeting logics
• Ensure Omnichannel Call Plan aligns with business strategies and monitor execution
• Develop analysis on execution and territorial performance to support franchises in identifying opportunities for improvement and anticipating critical issues
• Establish and monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) to evaluate the success of sales initiatives and business strategies
• Manage and develop tools and systems to support sales, such as target setting, territory management, and reporting
• Define quantitative and qualitative objectives and incentive definitions
• Design quantitative and qualitative market research, using primary and secondary sources, to provide actionable insights and recommendations on product placement, launch, and life cycle
• Analyze market and sales data, industry trends, and competition to identify opportunities and threats and support decision-making processes

Essential Skills/Experience:
• Analytical Thinking
• Strategic Planning
• Collaboration & Influence
• Results-Oriented
• Adaptability

• Experience in the pharmaceutical or healthcare industry
• Proficiency in data analysis tools and software
• Strong communication and presentation skills
• Ability to work in a fast-paced environment

At AstraZeneca, we are on a journey to bring life-saving medicines to patients. Our role in contributing to decreasing mortality rates globally is clear. We shape the future by spotting scientifically-led commercial opportunities and acting now to operationalize and scale them. Driven by the solutions we bring to the healthcare ecosystem, we make an impact at every step of the patient journey, improving their experience and outcomes. Our agile and entrepreneurial team of visionaries is trusted to innovate and experiment, supported to learn fast from failures, and move on. We thrive on the pace and energy, with a winning mindset that makes anything possible.

Ready to make a difference? Apply now to join our team!

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