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Clinical Research Associate

Ort Kyiw, Stadt Kiew, Ukraine Anzeigen-ID R-206666 Veröffentlichungsdatum 20/11/2024

The Clinical Research Associate (CRA) has local responsibility for the delivery of the studies at allocated sites and is an active participant in the local study team(s). The CRA works in close collaboration with other CRAs and the Local Study Team/ Local Study Associate Director (LSAD) to ensure that study commitments are achieved in a timely and efficient manner. The CRA acts as the main contact with the study site and has the responsibility for monitoring the study conduct to ensure proper delivery of the study.
The CRA is responsible for the preparation, initiation, monitoring and closure of assigned sites in clinical studies, in compliance with AZ Procedural Documents, international guidelines such as ICH-GCP, and relevant local regulations and that the sites deliver according to their respective commitment in the individual studies.
A CRA with longer tenure and experience may take on additional responsibilities that include additional tasks associated with LSAD.

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