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Global Clinical Solutions Intern 2025 Working in Science Internship Program

Ort Warschau, Woiwodschaft Masowien, Polen Anzeigen-ID R-220819 Veröffentlichungsdatum 28/02/2025

2025 Working in Science Internship Program at AstraZeneca (July – September)

The Internship Program at AstraZeneca is aimed at graduates and students of the last years of universities who want to use the knowledge gained during their studies in practice. This is an opportunity to raise your professional qualifications in one of the most innovative global biotechnology companies.  

The program is dedicated to people who didn’t participate in previous editions.

Join a vibrant and dynamic team with the passion and drive to push the boundaries of science! 

We encourage you to read the job description and the requirements carefully. 

Global Clinical Solutions (GCS) drives the delivery of services and technology for AstraZeneca for its internal and external stakeholders.
We are looking for interns to join our TQC and SFD teams, each offering unique opportunities to engage in critical quality and compliance activities.
TQC Team:
The Technical Quality Check (Tech QC) team is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of document quality and compliance. Interns will have the opportunity to participate in the meticulous review process of eTMF documents within the Veeva Clinical Vault (VCV) system. Under the guidance of experienced professionals, they will learn to perform thorough quality checks and controls, ensuring adherence to Good Documentation Practice and compliance with rigorous regulatory standards. This role emphasizes the importance of document integrity, accuracy, and the seamless management of compliant processes.
SFD Team:
The SFD team focuses on performing Technical Quality Checks of documents stored in the eTMF. Interns will be involved in cross-referencing these documents with site personnel lists obtained from the CTMS, identifying discrepancies and errors, and providing support in resolving these discrepancies. This experience will develop interns' analytical skills and enhance their ability to manage and verify critical documentation. Through these activities, interns will gain insight into effective document management and the importance of meticulous cross-checking to maintain data accuracy.
Joining either team provides a valuable learning experience and plays a vital role in supporting our mission of achieving excellence in document quality and regulatory compliance.


  • Education in biological sciences or a healthcare-related field
  • Effective communication in English
  • Attention to detail
  • Analytical skills
  • Time management and prioritization skills
  • Collaboration skills

Posting is closing 31st of March 2025. All submitted applications will be verified by us and assessed based on the objective criteria. Selected candidates will receive an invitation to introduce and present themselves using HireVue - a tool that allows to send answers to recruitment questions in the form of video recordings. On the final stage of the process, you will remotely meet the recruiting team consisting of representatives of a given department. At the end of April, we will announce a list of people for whom this year's internship program recruitment process was successful. 

The internships will start in July and last from 3 months.

We work in a hybrid scheme, be prepared to work partially office based.  

Don’t miss your opportunity! We are waiting for you! 

Participation in the program does not guarantee employment after the internship.

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