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(Senior) P&R Specialist

Ort Seoul, Seoul, Südkorea Anzeigen-ID R-221953 Veröffentlichungsdatum 13/03/2025

[Job Description]

  • Develops and implements pricing and reimbursement strategies for new product listing and reimbursement scope expansion to secure accelerated market access with optimal pricing
  • Minimize price erosion or access restriction due to various cost containment measures by the government

[Typical Accountabilities]

  • P&R dossier development, including Health Economics/Budget Impact Analysis, and deliver scientific communication/follow up on supplementary data request with HIRA and NHIS reviewers
  • Close collaboration with cross-functional team (BU, Medical, Regulatory affairs, Government affairs, Business development, Finance) on P&R strategy development & implementation
  • Communication with regional and global team on local P&R strategy and price approval
  • Routine P&R management (Update on P&R revision to relevant cross-functional team and PRICE system, review ATLAS on P&R related information, handle internal/external queries on P&R)
  • Pricing management to minimize price erosion by various price cut regulation (PVA, mATP etc) and provide P&R insights on pricing erosion for business planning
  • Maintain industry network to timely update policy changes and participate in industry working group for favorable environment shaping of AZ business
  • Conduct activities and interactions consistent with Company values and in compliance with the Code of Conduct and supporting Policies and Standards relevant to your role. Complete all required training on the AZ Code of Conduct and supporting Policies and Standards on time. Report potential issues of non-compliance.


  • Pharmacoeconomic(preferred), statistical analysis(preferred), RWE data generation 


  • Education: Bachelor’s degree (Preferred: MPH, MSc or PhD in relevant field)
  • Language: Proficient written and oral communication skills in English and Korean
  • Work Experience: 1-5 years of pharmaceutical experience
  • Competencies: Strategic thinking, strive to find solution based on evidence, do not hesitate for optimal goal and consider priorities of AZ.

채용 절차법에 따른 고지 사항

1. 전자우편으로제출한서류는채용절차법에따라, 일체반환의무가없습니다.

2. 보훈대상자취업보호대상자는관련법에의거하여우대합니다.

3. 해외여행결격사유가없어야합니다.

4. 본 채용은수시진행으로, 우수인력채용마감될있습니다.

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