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HR Operations Specialist

Ort Seoul, Seoul, Südkorea Anzeigen-ID R-221848 Veröffentlichungsdatum 12/03/2025

[Job Purpose]

The role involves operating within well-established guidelines as a HR professional responsible for end-to-end HR operations. You will have the responsibility for a key HR functional area, such as Payroll & Benefits, various HR data and overall HR operations. Additionally, you'll participate in projects as directed per business needs.

[Job Description]

  • Lead and implement Payroll and related processes such as income tax, pension and related processes with accuracy and timely manner  

  • Regularly review and upgrade HR practices and benefit management for efficiency

  • Manage overall benefits programs and guide managers and employees

  • Maintain up-to-date HR data systems and perform analysis to derive key insights for strategic decision-making.

  • Act as a champion of internal HR systems (including Workday) and maintain all information up-to-date

  • Lead key HR project and programs relevant to employee experience in terms of HR operations

  • Conduct regular and ad-hoc audits and provide necessary reporting to meet organizational requirements

  • Regular and ad-hoc audit and required reporting

  • Any other project/initiatives as assigned by the team based on business needs.


  • At least 5 years of HR work experience. (Payroll & related process experience in MNC highly preferred)

  • HR System (Workday) knowledge and experience preferred

  • Being proactive and strong ownership with a quality of work

  • Good interpersonal and organizational skills

  • Ability to perform multiple tasks

  • Teamwork across various team members within and beyond HR

  • Data analytical skills (e.g. Power BI, Excel, Power point, etc.)

  • English verbal and written communication skill in business level


  • Education: Bachelor’s Degree
  • Language: Business English (Speaking & Writing)

※ 채용 절차법에 따른 고지 사항

1. 전자우편으로제출한서류는채용절차법에따라, 일체반환의무가없습니다.

2. 보훈대상자취업보호대상자는관련법에의거하여우대합니다.

3. 해외여행결격사유가없어야합니다.

4. 본 채용은수시진행으로, 우수인력채용마감될있습니다.

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