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【AstraZeneca】【R&D】Medical Science Director, 研究開発本部 バイオファーマ領域統括部 メディカルサイエンス部

Ort Ōsaka, Ōsaka-fu, Japan Kita-ku, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan Anzeigen-ID R-218060 Veröffentlichungsdatum 24/01/2025

TA (Therapeutic Area) Medical Science Director (MSD) is a TA Division Leader, being responsible for leading, managing and developing members of TA Medical Science Department and is accountable/responsible for medical contents/judgements of clinical development strategy of the products within the 
Biopharmaceutical TA portfolio (cardiovascular, renal, metabolic, respiratory, Immunology, Vaccine) and for delivery of medical/scientific contents of clinical development. TA-MSD coaches Project Physician (PP) to deliver right quality of deliverables, to contribute to the progress of relevant projects and to secure optimal patient access to the relevant products in a timely manner.
TA-MSD is responsible to bring up a capability of physicians as future manager and/or leader candidates according to their individual development plan (IDP). S/he makes and implements development/retention plans.TA-MSD acts as a representative physician of TA Medical Science Department against internal and 
external stakeholders, and facilitates engagement with Global and regional (ex. China) senior physicians to provide TA/Disease Area (DA) as well as Key External Experts (KEEs) in responsible TA. TA-MSD is a playing manager and expected to manage 4 project physicians(50-70% of time), while being assigned to specific projects as a PP. 


経験 Experience

<必須 Mandatory>


<歓迎 Nice to have>


資格 License

<必須 Mandatory>

医師免許 医学博士

<歓迎 Nice to have>


能力 Skill-set

<必須 Mandatory>

communication skill, leadership, strategic thinking, logical thinking

<歓迎 Nice to have>

project management skill

語学 Languages

<必須 Mandatory>

日本語 Japanese : ネイティブレベル

英語 English:ビジネスレベル、TOEIC850点以上程度

10001001 G CDPN

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