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Statistical Programming Associate Director

Ort Barcelona, Katalonien, Spanien Anzeigen-ID R-218779 Veröffentlichungsdatum 06/03/2025

Typical Accountabilities:
• Acts as a regional technical expert supporting the delivery of strategic input within the area of Programming or as project manager executes the delivery of functional strategy

• Either as an expert or project manager develops database system and research processes across the area of Programming

• Acts as a source of knowledge in area of expertise, defining and communicating important initiatives across department and functions

• Contributes to establishing and implementing policies, procedures and objectives for own work or though managing a team, to ensure compliance with internal and external regulations

• Leads the development of Programming standards or techniques in to improve the quality, compliance and efficiency of deliverables for overall Group efficiency

• Reviews adverse event documents prepared by the Programming personnel for accuracy, completeness, and compliance

• Accountable for specialised research or delivery of internal reports to enhance the effectiveness of Programming contributions to worldwide submissions across a range of products

• Keeps own knowledge of best practices and new relevant developments up to date

Typical People Management Responsibility (direct / indirect reports):
• Approximate number of people managed in total (all levels) - 10
• Manager of a team

What is the global remit? (how many countries will the role operate in?):
• Own country

Education, Qualifications, Skills and Experience:
• Essential: Bachelor’s degree in relevant discipline; Significant experience in Programming
• Desirable: Advanced degree within field; Professional certification; Project management experience

Key Relationship to reach solutions:
• Internal (to AZ or team): Programming Function; Compliance Team; Members of Development
• External (to AZ): External service providers and regulatory bodies

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